Sunday, March 25, 2007

My random week-end

Today is Sunday. Well, it's really Sunday night, 9:12 to be exact. Today I went to a birthday party, for my Great-Uncle. I was fun because I got to hang out with my cousons, and run around, these little kids were attacking my couson Danny. That was pretty funny!! The week-end went by very fast. On Saturday, i don't remenber what I did!! I think I was just bored. Like always. I wanted Kaitlyn to stay-over on Friday, be she was going to look at collages for her sister. Tomorrow, I have to go to school, and I'm not happy about it. I have to get up early for stupid tutoring. And I have to stay after school for Chorus. Chorus is much more fun then last year 'cause I get to sit next to Kaitlyn! That wasn't the best thing my music teacher did!! We always talk or make fun of the songs!! But we DO sing............the songs we like!! On Spring-Break or Easter-Break, whatever you want to call it, I'm going to my Aunt's house, and I will see my cousons there, again!! Its in only 2 weeks!! Well, thats kinda, a lot. We do all sorts of random-fun stuff!! my Aunt lives by Washington D.C, so we drive around there at night!! Thats fun too. My room is SUCH a mess!! I don't want to clean it but, I probably have too though!
Thats all for now!

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