Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Wonders

Dear Peoples,
Today, right now, i was wondering about my wonders. As I was wondering I was wondering if wonder and thinking are the same thing. But i guess that is a wonder not at thought. Or is it? See I bet you don't even know the freakin' difference. If there is a difference. Well, anyway, I'm going to tell you all the wonderings i was wondering in my brain.

  • Do Unicorns really live in Australia?
  • Is the word ' Crapola' [Crap-o-la] a real word?
  • Are chickens going to rule the world?
  • Why do llamas spit on peoples?
  • Are cats really evil?
  • Do people eat gold fish?
  • Are hobos mean?
  • Is it true that 5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions?
  • How is jelly made?
  • Why do cows say 'moo'?

I bet you can't answer 'My Wonders'! If you can, tell me on a *COMMENT* you left. If you get them all right, you win a prize! Enter now! Just leave a comment and you could win!! You don't have to give an email address or anything! The winner (if there is one) will be posted on my blog.

Thanks 4 readin'


*To leave a comment scroll to the bottom of this post, then click on the word, 'Comment', 'Leave a comment' or Post a comment', once you did that you anwser that questions in order. You would put 1. then the answer and you would enter down each question. When done, fill out the info. at the bottom and it sould work. If not SORRY!!!! But it should. I hope this mad it easy-er to post a comment!

~Maeve (again) =)

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Maeve said...
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