Monday, January 01, 2007

About ME!!

Dear Random People,
I will be tellin' you about me!! Well, kinda, there will be questions that I answered. the "Q" means what the question was and the "A" means what the answer is. Got it? Good. Lets start.

(Q) "Do you have any pets?"

(A) "Yes, I have a dog, cat, guinea pig, 2 frogs, and fish."

(Q) "What is your favorite color?"

(A) "Ummm........I'd have to say burple or plue."

(Q) "What IS a 'burple' and what is a 'plue'?"

(A) "There colors you idiot."

(Q) "No, I've NEVER herd of them, are you shore?"

(A) "Yep, and just because you never herd of them dosen't mean they're not real."


(A) "Yes they are, they're blue and purple mixed and purple and blue mixed, EVERYONE knows that."

(Q) "Oh................."

The End........

Or Is It?

As you can see that interview didn't go to well, but who cares, 'cause I don't.

Randomly Yours,


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