Monday, December 31, 2007

Pimpin Puppies

look at these cute, n pimpin doggies =)

Thursday, December 27, 2007


MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I no i'm a couple days late, but oh well!! Merry Christmas, again, and i hope u enjoyed your holiday!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

How to annoy your parents

**Some ways to annoy your parents**

1. follow them around the house EVERYWERE
2. moo whenever they say your name
3. pretend to have amnnesia
4. say everything backwards
5. run into walls
6. say that wearing clothes is against your religion
7. go in their bedroom at 4 in the morning and say, "Good Morning Sunshine."
8. snort when you laugh then laugh harder
9. say all the words in a movie
10. pluck some strands of hair out and yell "DNA!"
11. wear a sticker that says "I am a gift."
12. talk to a pen
13. have 20 imaginary friends that u talk to all the time
14. try to climb a wall
15. in public yell, "NO MOM I WILL NOT SING WITH YOU."
16. put plugs in your nose and ears
17. switch the light on and off and say ooh..i get it
18. eat your hair
19. hold there hand and say, i see dead ppl
20. when your in the shower or bath yell, I'm drowning
21. at everything they say, yell LIAR
22. pretend to be a phone.
23. try to swim on the floor
24. tap on their door all night.
25. in the middle of the night, yell "Monster, help, help me!'

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I am sorry to say ( yeah....not really) that Thanksgiving is my least favorite Hoilday, but oh well. I still wanted to wish you people that do like Thanksgaving a Happy Thanksgiving. So


And remember.......

OMG!! More iPods!

Right now i'm talking about iPods/iPhones, I was looking on the internet for iPods and stuff, (my iPod Nano, isn't working, so I want to see if I want a newer kind for christmas,) and there are soo many out NOW!! I didn't know there is a 'iPod Touch' I thought i was the same thing as an iPhone! Well, here are all the iPods and stuff that are out now.

iPod Nano, color

iPod Nano with video (new)

iPod Shuffle

iPod Shuffle colors (new)

iPod Shuffle colors (newer)

iPod Mini

iPod Mini colors (idk if there new!!)


iPod video (new-ish)

iPod Touch (new)

iPhone (i dont know if its really an iPod, but there u have it)



I found these unreleased iPods and iPhones!! I hope they really are comming out!!!

There making an iPhone Nano, and Shuffle, I think there kinda weird, but its cool! Go on this site to learn more,

This new iPhone looks more like a cell phone!! Go one this site to learn more,

If I find anymore iPods, or if you know one that i'm missing, or you know one thats going to come out soon, tell me in a comment!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Bathtub Test

I got this in an email, and i thoght it was funny!! =]

The Bathtub Test

During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the
criteria was which defined whether or not a patient should be
institutionalized. Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub."
"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket
because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup.


" No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you
want a bed near the window?"
Visiting hours are one to four on Tuesdays. Do drop in.

hehe i thought i was funny <333

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Eye Test

Take this eye test!!

Can u find the B (there are 2B's)? DON"T skip or your wish wont come


Once youve found the b

Find the 1


Once you found the 1..............

Find the 6


once youve found the 6...

Find the N (it's hard!!)


once you've found the N...

Find the Q...

make 2 wishes!

>>>>>; >>>>>>>>>>>


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Potter Puppet Pals

This video is sooo funny!! (if you read Harry Potter)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Talk to me!

I just wanted to add this cool thing to my blog!! IM me!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

"Webkinz" Killer

Do you know what Webkinz are? Well, if you don't they are these stuffed animal things that come with a 'Secret Code' that you put on 'Webkinz World', a web site. So you can play with your webkinz pet online.Go to but sorry, you need to buy a webkinz pet before you can go on the website.
But anyway, I have 5 webkniz because I think there cute. I have a Monkey named Monkey, a 'Googles' (platypus) named Googles, a Hippo, named Hippi,an Elephant named Ellie, and a Pug named Pugsie. (Yes, I have boring names,) Hippi (one of my favorite webkinz,) is the one Lily killed. Yup, you guessed it, Lily is the webkinz killer. Well, it happened when I was outside with Kathleen, Claire and Janay. My mom and Janays mom were also outside talking, so I'm guessing while we were outside, Lily most of destroyed Hippi!! i got soo made at her! Now Hippi has a big gash in his back! (I'll so you a picture later,) It was so sad! There was stuffing EVERYWHERE! It was kinda funny, though. She had Hippi in her mouth and looked so innocent. I still feel bad for Hippi, though. My mom says she can sew him. POOR HIPPI

This is Googles, the googles

This is Monkey, the monkey

This is Ellie, the elephant

This is Hippi, the hippo

And this is his gash

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Gangsta Happy Feet

Watch this!! I think it is funny!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Right Now

Right now, I am very bored. I am on AIM, but not talking to anybody. No one is on. I have some good news! My cousin Meghan, is coming up to my grandparents house tomorrow or Sunday. Right now, I am also watching my mom file all these papers. I am watching Lily sleep next to a rocking horse I am going to go and find Tootsie, which is sometyhing I never do. Wait here. O.K?


Alright, i couldn't find Tootsie, but I DID find Lily. So, I was petting her while i was gone. But I DID look for Tootsie, shes just....gone. Well, I guess thats it.

So Bored. Want Cousins. To Come. Over

I am sooo bored!!! I don't know anything to do. All my friends (that I have there phone numbers) can't come over because of the fallowing:

Kayla: stayed over her house last night

Kaitlyn: has this camp thing

Rebekah: [I think] is not home

Marina: have to find her number!!

Julia: has to stay with her brother and cousin (that lucky duck, she has her cousins over!

Janay: I don't know if shes home

theres other people but there not home!!

I want my cousins to come over!! My cousin Meghan is coming up, but I think she is staying at my grandparents house. I want my cousin Kathleen to come up too, cause she would probably stay at my house!! UUGG!! I would also want my cousin D.J to come up, but I no he can't. I need someone to come over!!! i guese I have to go and find someone to come over. I'd hate to say it, but summer can stink!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

look at Lily

Look at Lily, doesn't she look so innocent?? Or like she just got yelled at or something? It's funny. Well, you look and ell me what you think.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Thank you. I will be sooooooo sad if you don't leave me any comments. Thank you

Pictures of Lily

I am really bored right now. Lily is STILL sleeping, but I want to play tug-of-war with her. Claire left I think. Well, before, you fall asleep (like Lily) look at these (NEW!!) pictures of Lily!!

This is Lily waiting to play.

OMG!! She's goin crazy!!

More pics later!

Things that happened today

Today was fun, I got to go in the pool and my friend can over. We made lots of videos of Lily. it was fun. I think it it going to thunder storm, but I like them, so I don't have to worry. Now I am uploading the pictures and videos on my camera. I hope they go on the computer right. Claire is playing with her Winnie the Pooh set. (house and the characters.) Lily is asleep on my mom's bed. (Again,) and I am on the computer. (As usual.) I have to call Kayla back because I had to make videos, so I guess thats it.

Da Pool Is Open For Business!!

Today, our pool is open!! YAH!! (Note: it is the end of June.) I wish we could of opened it earlier, though. I want to go in it, but my mom has to check to make sure it's O.K to swim in, and blah,blah,blah. I think we can go in it in a little while, but I'm not sure. I want my friends to come over. But I don't think I can someone over because, my mom said that she has stuff to do. Whatever. Well, I guess thats it, I have to go and help them. (mom and Claire,)Talk to you later, ro soon bye!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My Web Page.

Yesterday I got a Web Page. It kinda sucks though, because I didn't know what to write about and because I only wrote 3 or 4 post things. Oh, well. The only bad thing is that, all my pictures of Lily on the computer got erased. So, I can't add any to this blog or to my web page. I'll tell you the URL at the end of the post. I don't know what I like better, blogger, or my web page. The problem with the web page is that it is kinda hard to work and that all these stupid links are on it that i don;t want to be there. (if you know how to delete those things, tell me in a comment.) And the bad this with blogger is that instead of putting the picture, itselvron the edit screan or what ever you call it, it comes up as letters and numbers. Then you have to copy and paste all thoose stupid letters and numbers to where you want it to go on the screen. But, usually the letters and numbers (I'm gonna call it the picture code now.) are so long that when you try to copy it, it won't like you cause it's to long! AND IT GETS ME SO ANGRY!!!!!!! That's why i don't have that many pictures on ym blog any more. Well, here's the URL to Maeve's Space, (that's the name of my web page,) so have fun.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

D.A.R.E Picnic

Today is was a fun day. We had our D.A.R.E Picnic/ Gradation. It was soo fun. We got a big bag of popcorn, Cotton Candy, and a snow cone. We did a D.A.R.E Skit, go t-shirts, sang two annoying songs, and got awards. It was crazy kool!! We were outside all day. Only now I think I'm going to be sick, because of all the sweats we had. (But, surprisingly, no one thew up at the picnic.) Me, Kayla, and Kaitlyn were chilling pretty much. We had recess for like a hour!!D.A.R.E was soo fun!!! I wish we had D.A.R.E again, but we don't. -Sign- It was so fun, while it lasted. I guess thats it.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Kaitlyn is over

Today is Saturday. I am soooo bored. My B.F.F Kaitlyn is over myhouse right now. I am trying to get a new screen name, but it isn't working. UUGGG. I only have 6 and a 1/2 days (5 days, 3 half days) of school left til summer!! I can't wait!! Claire is singing/ humming and song that she made up. Lily is- I don't know where Lily is. Oh, well. It was sooo hot out today. We filled up this pond thing and let Lily 'swim' in it, (even thought the water was only a foot deep.) But she only spashed around and jumped in and out on the pond. Shes crazy. We had Field Day a week or two ago. I was in the relay race. I was the second position. And we came in second. ( The first positionn person got cut off. and people got there before him.) I pasted like 3 people!! I got to the next person second, one girl was really fast. Well, thats all for now, I gotta do random things now. BIII!

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Yes, i did get A camera, but it wasn't the one I wanted. Instead of it being blick, its red, and it's really different then the one i wanted. Here's what happened. My parents (my dad did this) ordered a camera on the inter, and it's going to shiped to Walmart. I wnt to go to Walmart so I can get the black camera I wanted. When we (me, my dad, and Claire,) get to the camera place, I stop the camera i want. Then my dad says thats the one that is here (Walmart) and tha that we are going to pick up. I got pretty mad at that. i said that you (meaning dad and mom) and get the red one and the one we ordered I can have;we would just switch. But he said "Hon, i already orded the balck one." or something like that. Then he said i could wait and see how theres works, if its good, whatever. I could also get that one too. But why would i do that? having the same camera as my parents, lame. So i got the red one, witch ithink is better now (and cheaper.) Well, all wells ends well, only that time was not that well. OH WELL!!!! Bii. (i got my camera last week i just forgot to tell ya. i took a lot of pictures, and made a lot of videos, a few are on you tube, i'll show then to you some time, and i'll show you the pictures too. There mostly of Lily. hehe!!)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Take this quiz. (NOT CHEAT)

Here's something for you to do. it's not really a quiz, I just call it that. Well, just do it anyway. IF YOU CHEAT, YOU ARE A CHEATER!!!! SO DON'T CHEAT!!!!!!!!! i bet you will cheat, even though i went through all this tellin u not to cheat. But what eva to you. (I STILL hope you don't cheat.)

Here's the quiz thing do it and DON'T CHEAT!!!!!!

Write all this down on a piece of paper (dont cheat or scroll down and see the answers)

1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black ,
blue , green , or yellow?

2. Your first initial?

3. Your month of birth?

4. Which color do you like more, black or white?

5. Name of a person of the same gender as yours.

6. Your favorite number?

7. Do you like California or Florida more?

8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?

9. Write down a wish (realistically).

When you're done, scroll down. (Don't cheat!)


1. If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and
affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good
advice to those who are down.

2. If your initial is:
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your
love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life
looks very good.

3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you
will discover that you fall in love with someone totally
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship
that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: ! You will have a great year and will ex
perience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but
eventually you will find your soul mate.

4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take on a different direction,
it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you,
and you will be glad for the change.
White: You wil l have a friend who completely confides
in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.

5. This person is your best friend.

6. This is how many close friends you have in your

7. If you chose:
California : You like adventure.
Florida : You are a laid back person.

8. If you chose:
Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover
and are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.

9. This wish will come true only if you send this to
five people in one hour. Send it to ten people, and it will come
true before your next birthday

Today I'm getting a camera!!

I can't wait!! Today I should be gettin a digital camera!! It's gonna be black!! And pretty. I think me, my dad and Claire are going to Walmart to get it. We might get other stuff too, but I don't care about that crap. I will NOT let Claire touch my camera, a matter a fact,she can't even breath on it. Becase we had this other digital camera that was pretty cool, but once we figured out how to use it n' stuff,but then Claire wanted to take a picture, then she dropped it on the tile floor, and guess what happened? It broke. So, she ain't touchin mine. Here's a pic of the camera that I want to buy. And if it's not at Walmart, then i will be SOOO mad. (And it costs $129.94)

Front of the camera

Back or the camera

Monday, April 30, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

#5 Cows Go Oink?

Heres my last story!! I hope!!

Cows Go Oink

I once had a cow and her name was Daisy. She was a very cute cow. The only problem was she didn't say "Moo" like normal cows, she said "Oink." We had a few pigs, but the cows were never near them, we don't know what made her say "Oink." She was a cow-pig. It was the weirdest thing! When ever I went to feed her, she greeted me with an "Oink, oink," instead of a "Moo, moo." We got her from a farmer because he didn't want a cow-pig. At first I didn't know what he meant, but once we got home, I relized what he meant. I wanted to think of a way to stop Daisy from saying "Oink," but it was a hard thing to think of. My first idea was to keep her with the cows, all day, and away from the pigs. But that didn't work. She just kept on "Oinking." I asked the farmer why she says "Oink," but he didn't know, he said that he got Daisy from a different farmer. He gave me an address, but I didn't go there at first. I tried to think of another idea. I thought about moving the cows to the opposite side of the farm, but that would be to much work. Then I thought, "I like Daisy the way she is, why am I trying to change her?" The next day I went to the farmer that was her original owner, and he said the mother of Daisy was a cow and the father was a pig. So I was happy that I knew why she was unique. ANd that was that, I wasn't going to try to change my unique cow-pig.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

#4 The Night Of The Evil Growing Bunnies

Heres the 4th story!!

The Night Of The Evil Growing Bunnies

One day I was walking in the street. It was a stormy day. I saw a bnny in the woods, and I started to walk toward it. It was a green bunny with purple spots. It looked cute so I took it home with me. It didn't have any tags or collar so I decided to keep it. I went out to buy ribbit food. I bought the kind of food that said it would make your rabbit grow big and strong. It looked really hungry so I feed it a lot that night. In fact I feed it too much forone night. The next morning it was as big as a dog and as stronge as a bull. It was the biggest rabbit I ever saw!! I didn't feed it at all that night so it wouldn't grow. It got so mad that it ripped open the bag and ate it all!! It was It was still mad so it ran out of the house back into the wood. I was afraid to go to sleep that night, thinking that the rabbit was going to get revenge. it was around three in the morning, when I heard a scrach at the door. It was the rabbit! There were about fifty of them! Only they were small, the size of a normal rabbit. I opened the door and they attacked!! They jumped on me, by the time I got up my pajamas were ripped and I had schratches all over. The bunnies were gone! They were all in my house!! They were ripping up things, eating things,and biting things. I couldn't do anything about it; I didn't want to get attacked again. I just waited there for them to leave. When they finally left, my house was destroyed. I wanted to get those rabbits, but I couldn't. My parents yelled at me for my house being destroyed. I tried to tell them that these rabbits attacked me and destroyed our house. That night, I waited for the rabbits to come back. But they never did. Not the night after that of the night after that. I never saw those green and purple spotted rabbits again. I learned my lesson. To never take in stray rabbits.

Here ya go

Click on the picture to read what it says!! ttyl!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

#3 The Attack Of The Mini Penguins

Here is the 3rd story. I said there were only 3 stories, but theres really 5!! Well, heres the 3rd story!!!

The Attack Of The Mini Penguins

When I saw the mini penguins, they looked cute, but then they started to attack.I was out for a walk when I saw the penguins. They all looked cute, but they were only 4 inches tall!! I had never seen penguins around here, and never tiny ones. They were near my yard, so I walked slowly over to them, I didn't want to scare them away. When I got closer, they started to chase me! I ran as fast as I could, but they were still be hide me! I ran though the fields hoping to lose them. When I got to my house, the door was locked! I pounded on the door but no noe came. The penguins were gaining on me. I could't wait for some one to answer the door, so I started to the woods. I thought I could make it to the road, but the penguins were right be hide me. I ran up the road so I could get to the big hill. That hill was huge; I knew they wouldn't be able to climb it, because they were so small. But I was wrong. They made it up to the top of the hill it just took them a little longer. I ran down the hill, it was a hard thing to do, because I was afride I would fall. When they got to the top, I was almost at the bottom.
"They'll never catch me," I said aloud. But them one started to slide down the hill on it's belly. Then another and another, untill all of them were sliding down the hill!! I ran so fast, looking back at them, untill I tripped over a rock and scrapped my knee. it was very hard for me to run with a scrapped knee, because it hurt. i just lay there on the ground, hoping they would attackme fast so it would be over with. I heard them come around me, I closed my eyes, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see them smiling at me. One stepped out near me, smiled and gave me a band-aid.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Andy Milonakis Show ROCKS

Do you watch The Andy Milonakis Show?? Well, I do its funny!! it has to be one of my favorite shows!! Andy is crazy! He does the randomest things!! It's sooo funny!!I like the theme songs too. There funny!! Here the are!!

The Theme Song

I rock peas on my head but don't call me a pea head!
Bees on my head but don't call me a bee head!
Bruce Lees on my head but don't call me a Lee head!
Now please excuse me; I gotsta get my tree fed.
You wear name brands and I make my own clothing.
I hang out with an apple who loves self-loathing. ("I hate myself!")
Pancake on my face makes me extra happy.
I like shampoo bottles that sit on my lappy!
'Cause its my show you can't tell me what to do;
When life hands me lemons, I make beef stew!
So, yo, I gotta go, its time for me to rock it!
I put balogna in my left pocket;
Smear some cream cheese in my gold locket
'Cause its my show; I'm Andy Milonakis
It’s my show; I’m Shmandy Shmila-Shmakis.
It’s my show; I’m Andy Milonakis!

That was the 1st and 2nd season theme song, this is the 3rd season one

3rd Season Theme Song

L.A. L.A. L.A.! Thats how I roll son got a new shirt and a brand new stroll son
It is crazy hot 5 million degrees I'm praying on my knees just to get a little breeze
Forget about Bs I got Qs on my head
And all the other letters take a cruise on my head
Bruce Lees chilling reading news on my head
And a moosey is punching a bruise in my head
Dam Skippy I moved to California!
Brand new show but yo I got to warn ya
If you carrot me you know I'm gonna corn ya
Your footsie is stuck off to horn ya
I'm Andy Milonakis and this is me show!
after me flow you know me got to go
This is L.A. sun my for new york snow
and schmell schmay schmach for my slu slotch slow

lol!! leave comments about the songs!! Which one do YOU like better??

Friday, April 13, 2007

Story # 2: The Night of the Giant Peeps

Heres the next story, I said I would share with you.

The Night of the Giant Peeps

One Easter Morning, all the little girls and boys got lots and lots or candy. One little girl named Sally got candy Peeps. After Sally had eaten so many Peeps, she got bored and had a stomach ach. She decied to blow up Peeps in the microwave. It was fun for her but not for the Peeps. She blew up Peeps all day long, untill her mother called her to bed. Sally had just put in 3 Peeps in the microwave. She thought, "I'll just blow them up tomorrow," what she didn't know was that the Peeps were alive and going to get revenge. Around 12 o' clock, after Sally's mother had cleaned up the mess of candy wrappers, and wet up to bed, the Peeps in the microwave oozed out of there and started to grow! They grew and grew and grew, untill they were 4 feet tall! They were huge!! they made there way to Sally's room A.K.A The Peep Killer. Once the Peeps were up in her room, they jumped on her bed and hoped she would wake up. After about 2 minutes Sally was screaming and running around the house with Peeps chasing her, saying "Peep! Peep! Peep!" Then Sally triped and fell flat on her face. The Peeps jumped on her, she scermed in horror, then-Ring! Ring! Ring! It was 7:15, Easter Morning, it had only been a dream.

Lily's in this video!!

I made a short N' stupid video with Lily. (Or Lully, lol!) And put it on You Tube! I only made 1 vieo and thats it!! (Because my little sister broke the camera.) Watch the video!! Now I have to talk to all my friends on AIM. I'm always on that thing!! Peace out!! TTYL!
Thats my Lily pup

A story by Maeve

In school we are writing little stories. I have to write I wtote 2 but I have to fix the second one, well any way I'm going to share them with you there kinda stupid though. This post is only going to have one and the next post will have another. Well, heres the first story!

When I Met The Flying Monkeys

One day I was walking in the woods, it was a normal day untill I met the flying monkeys.

The day I met the flying monkeys was normal day. I wanted to take a walk because I was bored, I told my mom i was going to take a walk in the woods. Once I got my shoes on and I started to walk to the woods. The woods were always very dark even in the day time, but today they were darker then usual, but this didn't bother me. About ten or fifteen minutes later, I thought someone was following me. It was weird feeling, so I kept looking back, after a couple of minutes, I was starting to scare myself. I kept saying, "No ones there, no ones there." but it felt like someone was there. I was thinking about truning around and going home, but it didn't I just kept walking. When got to about the middle of the woods, I saw a shadow in a tree. then something jumped down, it looked like a monkey--with wings! I thought I was seeing things but I wasn't! Then all of a sudden, another jumped out, and another! Three flying monkeys, right in front of me! they looked like plan, old monkeys, that had wings and were colorful. I just stared at them in awe. I wanted to go and touch one, but I was afraid to. I justed therewith the monkeys for a while. Then my mother called me in for dinner. The time went by so quickly. I ran all the way home as fast as I could. I ate dinner so fast, and ran back to the spot were I saw the monkeys. They weren't there. My heart sank. i never saw them again.

By: Maeve

Thursday, April 12, 2007


On Easter Day i got a lot of candy. Not because I found a lot of eggs, because I always get a basket full candy and little things. I also got a book "Weird Pennsylvania." It's scary! (Well, if your like me.) Anywho, i only found like 7 eggs! 7 eggs!! Kathleen and Claire foung like 15-20!! Well, thats what it looked like compared to mine! I wish I have found more eggies, but I still had a very good Easter, because I spent time woth my cousons, got stuff, and my family was there. Oh well, I'm not gonna be greedy, yo ucan't have a perfect Easter.

Do you like this song?

Hi again. (I didn't google search cows yet...I'll get to it.) Do you like the song "Break It Off"by Rihanna & Sean Paul.?If you don't like that song I wouldn't read any further. Well, I do and I saw this weird video on You Tube. Lets just say it looks like Sims are singing it. (Sims for Sims 2) Well here it is.

I like cows.

Do you like cows. Well, I do I think there cool. First because they say Moo, which is a cool animal sound! But sorry cows, I like Cow Meat. Or whatever you call it. I wonder if someone made up a song for cows. That would be very weird. I'm gonna Google search Cows and see up happens! I'll get back to you on that. Well, anyway, (while I Google cows) here are some pictures of cows!! MOOO!!


I was planing on making a post that had all sorts of riddles on it. But, I can't think of any so I need your held! if you think you have any good riddles, post them on a comment. I REALLY need your help! I want this riddle thing to work! If you don't know any riddles, I can't help ya. But if you do, share them!!! Thank you!!*

*Click on the word 'Comment' then leave your riddle or comment about this post.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Kathleen's Blog!

Do you remember Kathleen? Well, shes my couson and I saw her over Spring Break. She has a blog too. It's not as big as mine, but I think it's funny!! So, I think you should go to it like you go to mine. Heres the URL and have fun at Kathleen's World.

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter!! Well, it shoud be Happy Late Easter, because I was away for Spring Break and the computer (well, I should say Mac Book) was new so, us kids couldn't use it. (Pulse we were afride to ask.) My cousons brought their old-ish lab-top, but the internit wouldn't work!! GGRR!!! I thought I was going to die!! No computer no life!! I hope you all had a happy Easter and got LOTS lots of candy! Like I did! And if you don't celebrate Easter, Happy Everything!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007


Fergie is my favorite singer!! Well, one of them I have a lot!!! I'll show you some pictures N' stuff!! I like a lot of songs by her!! And I like The Black Eyed Peas!!! Talk To You Soon! (TTYS)