Friday, April 27, 2007

#5 Cows Go Oink?

Heres my last story!! I hope!!

Cows Go Oink

I once had a cow and her name was Daisy. She was a very cute cow. The only problem was she didn't say "Moo" like normal cows, she said "Oink." We had a few pigs, but the cows were never near them, we don't know what made her say "Oink." She was a cow-pig. It was the weirdest thing! When ever I went to feed her, she greeted me with an "Oink, oink," instead of a "Moo, moo." We got her from a farmer because he didn't want a cow-pig. At first I didn't know what he meant, but once we got home, I relized what he meant. I wanted to think of a way to stop Daisy from saying "Oink," but it was a hard thing to think of. My first idea was to keep her with the cows, all day, and away from the pigs. But that didn't work. She just kept on "Oinking." I asked the farmer why she says "Oink," but he didn't know, he said that he got Daisy from a different farmer. He gave me an address, but I didn't go there at first. I tried to think of another idea. I thought about moving the cows to the opposite side of the farm, but that would be to much work. Then I thought, "I like Daisy the way she is, why am I trying to change her?" The next day I went to the farmer that was her original owner, and he said the mother of Daisy was a cow and the father was a pig. So I was happy that I knew why she was unique. ANd that was that, I wasn't going to try to change my unique cow-pig.

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