Friday, June 29, 2007

So Bored. Want Cousins. To Come. Over

I am sooo bored!!! I don't know anything to do. All my friends (that I have there phone numbers) can't come over because of the fallowing:

Kayla: stayed over her house last night

Kaitlyn: has this camp thing

Rebekah: [I think] is not home

Marina: have to find her number!!

Julia: has to stay with her brother and cousin (that lucky duck, she has her cousins over!

Janay: I don't know if shes home

theres other people but there not home!!

I want my cousins to come over!! My cousin Meghan is coming up, but I think she is staying at my grandparents house. I want my cousin Kathleen to come up too, cause she would probably stay at my house!! UUGG!! I would also want my cousin D.J to come up, but I no he can't. I need someone to come over!!! i guese I have to go and find someone to come over. I'd hate to say it, but summer can stink!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

meave that was funny!!!!!!!!!