Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Penqueins that look a-like

Dear People, 9/19/06
I have to tell you something cool!! Look at these to penquiens, don't the look a like? But, the thing is that there 2 differen kinds of penqueins! So you look. Leave a comment to what you think. So take a look!!

Please,Please,Please make a comment!! Anyway, anyone can look at my web blog. But, they may feel a little stupid because this web blog is really, really stupid. Thanks for reading this stupid-ness. Come back tomorrow!

-Maeve =)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Stuff to know

(The only World with World Peace!)
You did it!! Yadda, yadda, yadda. You got to the stupid of stupid web blogs. Yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda,yadda,yadda. Read my other entries to see what this really says!
Dear People, 9/15/06
Today is Friday. Plain, boring Friday. I like Fridays. But Mondays stink!! Listen to this song it's my favorite!! http://mp.aol.com/video.index.adp?mode=2&pmmsid=1644786 Well, thanks 4 listenin'. Anyway if you are not a person I know well now you know that I like Lil' Jon! And that I LOVE monkeys!! And I'm _____ years old. Well, thats all I'm gonna tell you today!!
-MaEvE =)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


( It's the only World that has World peace!)
You did it!! You got to the most stupid of stupid web blogs!!! And you don't get a prize!!! Thanks 4 coming!!
Dear people, 9/13/06
Hi people!! I'm going to tell you about all my pets. O.k? Well, I have a dog named lily, a cat named Tootise, 2 frogs Henrey and Jeffrey, fish, and a guineau pig named Cookie. The frogs and fish are my sister's,Claire. That's all 4 today.
See you tomorrow,

Pictures of stuff

Dear People, 9/13/06

This entry is mostly about showing you all these cool pictures. Of me, monkeys, pengueins, And all different cute things. (To me, maybe no to you but they are to me, so It really dosen't matter what you like, because it is my web blog so HA!!) (Kiddin') So hear are the pictures!! ENJOY!!!=) You Better!!=)


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Maeve's World

Anyway, thanks for coming!!! AND GUESS WHAT!!!!! Your did it!!!! You got to the stupid of stupid wed blogs!! And you will a prize!!! NOTHING!!!!! He he he..........he!! Well, thank for coming. and start reading...........NOW!!!
Dear People, 9/12/06
Today I went to school and did all school stuff. Then I went home and did all my homework. (A lot!!) I'm watching Danceing With The Stars some show my mom watches. And I bet you all know that I love monkeys!! Look at the cute little monkey!!! It's so cute!! What's your favorite animal? Oh, and I have a favorite singer too. It's either Bubba Sparxxx, Chamillionaire, or Gwen Stefani. Whats your favorite singer? So what's up? Anything fun? Cool? Oh, do you have a favorite movie? I have a lot! I'll tell you some tomorrow maybe! Do you like Elmo? He is some times cool and some times a big loser. Weird, huh? See you tomorrow. Well, I won't really see you tomorrow unless your in my class but what if your sick tomorrow, and a friend calls you and tells you to go on weird-o Maeve's web blog. But what if............... O.k well anyway, thank for coming!
See Ya